Son donate his liver

Thousands of people throughout the world believe that no one is more valuable than family, but just a few can support it. A comparable story is currently circulating in the media.

In this story, a son places an example by providing his sick father with a new lease of life. According to the information obtained, the father of the young man had lost his liver and the doctor had informed him that he did not have enough time and he would necessitate liver transplantation as soon as possible.


Because of the need for a donor, the son gave 65% of his liver to his father, who won the hearts of the whole world. The ‘Human of Bombay’ page gave the story on Instagram, and it did not stop people from crying.

According to the boy, I was shocked when Dad was diagnosed with liver failure! He never smoked or drank alcohol. And when the doctor said, ‘Without a donor, my father has 6 months to live, I felt helpless.

Papa said to me, ‘I don’t want to die. I want to see you graduate!’ Our house became sad. I’m not there when Dad needs me! We assure each other that we’ll go through it. But after I recovered, Dad got the virus! He was taken to the hospital regularly. I used to sit next to him and study for my exams.

The boy added that I could not stand seeing Dad in any more trouble. So I told my family, I am going to save him. I will donate my liver.

To be able to donate his liver, he had to lose weight and ensure a strict diet as well as an exercise routine. On the other hand, His father was worried about the operation.

Readers were mesmerized by the story and praised how the young man saved his father. The other couple said they did the same for a family member. “I am very pleased that you are my son. You have placed an example for the whole world by giving the greatest gift to your father on Father’s Day, says his dad.


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